[TRANS] Korean Police in Search of Jessica
Yeah, you think I’d be kidding around, but I’m not!
- Not taking any questions
Jessica was a guest on KBS 2′s Happy Together where she revealed her situation with the cops and how they came looking for her when she wasn’t at home.
Turns out, Jessica’s a trouble maker! She revealed that she always worries or burdens the girls because of her “I don’t give a funk” behavior. One day in particular, she didn’t bother to tell anyone she was leaving the dorm and decided that she needed to go to salon and retouch her kkangpae locks* because her roots were starting to show. No one knew that she had an activity to do that day and that she was only preparing for it! The other girls had no choice but to calm Tiffany down and file a missing person’s report because their two hour search lead them nowhere.
Who knows where she could have been?! Everyone knows that Jessica’s a wanted girl.
But everyone knows that Jessica doesn’t take orders from anyone so it made sense why she doesn’t bother to tell people where she’s going. She’s a lone wolf in the pact, ya know? That actually sounds very mysterious and attractive… no wonder Tiffany likes her o_o
Jessica once again brought up her (unhealthy) sleeping habits on the show, sharing how she sleeps at least 12 hours or more each day. You know, they always say the girls don’t get enough sleep but… Then again, when you gotta satisfy… er nevermind. So one day no one could wake her up and so for funsies (yeah, and I mean that sarcastically, cuz these girls are freakin crazy) they thought it would a nice idea to pick her up and throw her around. Man, they’re lucky she doesn’t wake up and they’d get away with that.
*kkangpae locks = Generally, people who dye their hair (or even grow/cut it a certain style) are considered “bad” or “wild” in Asia. In otherwords, gangsters (kkangpaes) in Korea. It’s only this generation really that’s been getting away with it but I highly doubt they’d take that kind of stuff in school… Either way, loud colors like that will definitely get you looks.
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