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[NEWS] U-Know Yunho’s Korea, Japan, and China fans Sent Wreaths of Wishes

Asian fans sent wishes to TVXQ group leader U-Know Yunho for a success in his acting debut. U-Know Yunho fanclubs including ones from Korea, Japan, and China showed their support for his debut as actor in ‘Heading to The Ground’ drama by sending wreaths to the drama showcase location.

At 2 pm, Yunho’s fans from 3 countries placed about 10 wreaths at Seoul Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hannam-dong which is the showcase location for MBC new drama series ‘Heading To The Ground’, along with their wishes for success of Yunho’s debut drama.

On the wreaths were put wishing messages such as “Hope ‘Manddang’ will be a big hit” and “Cha Bong-gun rules.”

Furthermore, to be able to meet Yunho some Japanese fans even waited outside the showcase location, which drew public attentions.


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