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NEWS] DBSK Fans Want Their Cash Back

DBSK fans are demanding monetary compensation from SM Entertainment for the cancellation of the SM Town Live Concert 09. DBSK’s fan site, DNBN, gathered 1,222 fans on September 3rd and voiced their want for “monetary compensation from the cancellation of the SM Town Live 2009 on August 16th and from the emotional/mental stress acquired from it.”

They “want an apology because SME did not state specific reasons for calling off the concert, and also demand 10% of the original ticket price.”

At first, SM Entertainment said the concert will continue even though three of DBSK’s members filed a lawsuit regarding their contract. However, on August 9th, a week before the concert, SM Entertainment had a change of heart and said they could not go on with the concert because of the lawsuit. DBSK fans want Korea’s best entertainment industry to show their respect towards fans. DNBN said if there’s no monetary compensation, they will file against SM Entertainment for
their loss on September 9th.


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